Gay videos free

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The annual procession gets back to its Hollywood roots - and routes - with colorful floats, festive marchers, live performers, classic cars and more. $35 discounts for students and seniors available by phone only. Boomtown Brewery, 700 Jackson St., downtown L.A. Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra wraps its season with a Pride-themed soirée, for ages 21 and older, featuring new alt-classical works by contemporary composers. Where to hang out in Los Angeles when you want to meet queer folks but don’t want to roll up to the usual gay bars and clubs.

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Lifestyle Looking for queer community in L.A.? Start here International City Theatre, Long Beach Performing Arts Center, 330 E.

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Ī struggling Elvis impersonator with a wife and a baby on the way learns to stop worrying and love drag shows in this raucous 2014 comedy from Matthew Lopez. Fathom Events, various local theaters (see website).

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‘Wizard of Oz: Judy Garland 100 Years Over The Rainbow’Ĭalling all friends of Dorothy! Celebrate the 100th anniversary of legendary entertainer Judy Garland’s birth with special screenings of this classic 1939 musical fantasy based on the writings of L. Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, 1700 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica. Lady Bunny hosts the inaugural edition of this dragstravaganza featuring 10 - count ‘em, 10 - fabulous drag queens.

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